UPDATE: Last date for submissions has been extended to 31st July
The Animation Society of India (TASI) has announced its Call for Entries for TASI Viewers Choice Awards 2013. Animation film-makers are urged to send in their entries before the
15th 31st of July.
1. Student films: Animation films produced / directed by students
2. Independent Professional short films: Animation short films produced / directed by professionals
3. Commissioned films: Animated ad films, promos, packaging, music videos, public service films
Maximum duration of films: 10 mins (Films of longer duration will not be considered for the competition)
Format: DVD (.VOB format)
Last Date for entries: JULY 31st
For rules and regulations and other important details on submitting your entries, visit: http://www.tasionline.org/2013/05/tvca13-call-for-entries/