Arena Animation, one of India’s oldest players in Animation & Multimedia training, is organizing Creative Minds, an inter-centre competition for its North zone students along with a Placement Expo on the 16th & 17th November in New Delhi.
For Creative Minds, students are required to design an advertisement to promote an original brand, either for print or in a multimedia format – Interactive CD Rom Presentation, Animation or Web design. The students have to do their R & D, select their target audience and come up with an original creative concept. Awards will be given to the best three entries in each of the two categories.
The Placement Expo has a seminar and aptitude test be conducted by Rhythm & Hues Studio, India. Besides this, top e-learning companies, Television channels and other reputed studios and companies involved in Web Animation, 3D walkthroughs as well as Medical Animation would be participating in this expo. Students will be allowed to interact with HR-personnel of these companies and present their resumes and show reel. Selected candidates would be offered placement on the spot.
It would be nice to have “placement expos” on a pan-Indian basis and open to all students. CGTExpo by CGTantra was a step in that direction but a little limited in what it had to offer. There were more institutes at the expo than studios, the focus being more on education than careers. Hopefully, next year they will take care of that as well.