Ah, Nostalgia! The return of Fraggle Rock.

Fraggle RockMany who grew up in India around the same time as I did, in the 80s to be precise, would remember Fraggle Rock. Thank God, Doordarshan showed some wholesome ‘kiddie’ programmes for us who were ‘kiddies’ back then.

The series was created by Jim Henson and featured a cast of Muppet creatures – the Fraggles, Doozers, Gorgs, a Trash Heap, a Dog and his Human Master. A worldwide hit at that time, the theme was an allegory to the real world where different races co-exist, sometimes oblivious to each other’s existence and interdependence. There was also an animated version of the Fraggle Rock series which lasted only one season, but sadly , those of us in India did not get to see it.

The good news is that Gogo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red , the most popular Fraggles will be reunited in a new live-action musical feature for the big screen. The Jim Henson Co. will produce and TWC will distribute the film which will be directed by Cory Edwards. No dates have been announced as yet, so until then, enjoy this clip of the Fraggle Rock intro from Youtube. And be a kid once again :)

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